- Long trousers, (sarong in SE Asia)
- Shorts
- 2 shirts
- 3 underwear
- 3 socks
- Sweater
- Wind jacket
- Scarf/hat
- Swimsuit
- Towel
- Sleeping bag/ bed sheet ( SE Asia)
- Mat (not necessary for SE Asia
- Toilet's stuff - tooth brush, tooth paste, soap,toilet paper, shampoo
- Sun block
- Glasses/contact lenses + solution
- Sun glasses
- Knife with opener
- Bottle
- Cooker+fuel (not necessary for SE Asia)
- Mess tin (not necessary for SE Asia)
- Lighter
- Spoon
- Needle + cotton, cord
- Pencil + note padad
- Torch
- Padlock
- Watch
- Dictionary
- Small backpack
- Backpack
- Tent (not necessary for SE Asia
- Pharmaceuticals (dressing, againts higher temperature, diarrhoea, disinfectionon, plaster...
- Warm jacket
- Hat+gloves
- Shirt with long sleeves
- Underwear trousers
- Guidebook
- Map
- Passport + copy
- Insurance + copy
- Vaccination
- ID Photo
- Driver's licence
- bicycle
- Porters
- Luggage
- Tools (oil, wrenches, pump, tire-tube, speedometer, helmet, chaine, riveter,...)
- jumpers
- Book
- wallkmen/mp3 player (I need that during a rest when cycling)