Old Faitful geyser is the symbol of Yellowstone Park. Occasionaly a series of spalshes seems to be reaching for a crescendo and shot 3, 6 or 10 meters high. But than the main eruptions could be as high as 60 meters. The show takes usually 1.5 to 5 minutes and shot as much as 32 000 liters of water into the air. Unfortunately the geyser does not keep still the same time between eruptions. Old Faithful erupts more frequently than any of the other big geysers, although it is not the largest or most regular geyser in the park. Its average interval between eruptions is about 91 minutes.
The world's tallest active geyser is Steamboat and can erupt to more than 90m.
Old Faithful Inn near Old Faithful geyser was built during the winter of 1903-04, the Old Faithful Inn was designed by Robert C. Reamer, who wanted the asymmetry of the building to reflect the chaos of nature. The lobby of the hotel features a 65-foot ceiling, a massive rhyolite fireplace, and railings made of contorted lodgepole pine. Wings were added to the hotel in 1915 and 1927, and today there are 327 rooms available to guests in this National Historic Landmark.
Mammoth Hot Springs these features are quite different from thermal areas elsewhere in the park. Several key ingredients combine to make the Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces: heat, water, limestone, and a rock fracture system through which hot water can reach the earth's surface. The colors are due to the presence of different heat-tolerant bacteria.
There are many more attractions in the Yellowstone Park. With a surface area of 136 square miles, Yellowstone Lake is the largest lake at high elevation (more than 2 000 meters) in North America. It is roughly 32 kilometers long and 20 kilometers wide with more than 170 kilometers of shoreline. It is frozen nearly half the year.