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Queen Charlotte Track

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Queen Charlotte Track offers several days long hiking through Marlborough Sounds in northeastern area of South Island. Total length of Queen Charlotte Track is 71 kilometers. Most people hire motorboat at a little port Picton and sail to Ship Cove (Meretoto) at northern end of trail. Next three days they hike all the way to Anakiwa at southern end of trail. From Akinawa it is possible to get back to Picton. If you decide to hike in reverse direction you have to arrange your pick up at Ship Cave in advance. At Ship Cave is not camping allowed and there is not any phone box.

Queen Charlotte Track leads mostly on top of a little range. Road is suitable also for mountain biking. The highest point has only 400 m but you can visit some lookouts with more than 600 m elevation. As the peninsula range directly from a sea view is wonderful. Some steep parts are near campsites and huts. Central part is pretty easy and fast. Probably best view is from Eeatwell's Lookout. Trail leads between Queen Charlotte Sound and Kenepuru Sound. Coastal forest is mainly on both track ands.

Maori used calm waters of these long sounds for fishing. Weather is also mostly stable and pretty. Captain James Cook landed at Fish Cave where he built his base. He spent here around 100 days between 1870 a 1877.

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