Fourth biggest Hawaiian island is called "Garden Island". Among the main natural attraction are cliffs at Na Pali Coast and Waimea Canyon. North of this canyon is spreading Koke'e State Park and Alaka'i Swamp. Through these moors leads several paths. Near Mt. Wai'ale'le is also the wettest place in the world. 2 000mm per year. To get there you will probably need to hire a helicopter. There is not entrance fee neither to canyon or Koke'e SP.
Kokee Museum is located at Kokee State Park at the top of Waimea Canyon Road. It is a very good starting point because friendly staff will provide you with all information. Admission is free. Here is also a camp and drinking water.
In a little town Waimea is the Captain Cook Monument, where British Captain James Cook first landed in Hawaii in 1778 with his boats Resolution a Discovery. He was the first westerner to discover the islands and stopped here on his way to Alaska. Russian tried to get Hawaiian island under their control too. Today you can see only remains of their former fort

In southern part of islands are coffee and sugar plantations. Common is cultivation of tropical fruits. Kaui island is only one of Hawaiian islands that has navigable rivers. It is possible to rent a canoe and go four kilometers upstream Wailua River to a little port. Then it is a few kilometers to waterfall with possibility to bath. Along Na Pali Coast it's recommended in summer season when sea is calmer.
Native birds include the iwi and the State bird, the nene goose; other birds on the island are doves, cardinals, egrets, and numerous others. You will also see the occasional rooster along the way.
This beautiful island with such an incredible nature attracts directors of movie like Jurassic Park, King Kong, Raider's of the Lost Ark or musical South Pacific. To save such feeling are strict rules like that house can not to be taller than palm tree.