Only three weeks after my return from Southeast Asia, 15th May, I was sitting on the board of aircraft heading to the USA. I have to thanks to an agency CCUSA which made possible for me to go to work in Alaska at companies Aramark and Princess. I worked there for thour months. At Princess I worked only a few hours per week because it was my second job.
After hard work you have to have some good rest. So I decided to visite my friend Melinda on hawaiian islands. This state of USA was one of the last which I had not been to.
I bougth return airticket (CZK 30 200) at GTS from Prague to Anchorage,Alaska and back from Honolulu to Prague. In Alaska I bought an oneway ticket from Anchorage to Honolulu. The cheapest $324 offered One Stop Travel. Price of returen ticket was $400.
I traveled along four biggest islands O'ahu, Big Island, Maui and Kaui. Whole journey took me exactly five months because that was how long I cloud stay in the USA according to visa. I hope to visit that palce again because there is so much to see and to do.....

Between islands
Between hawaiian island is air connection. You can take a ferry only between Maui-Molokai islands . There are two airlines Aloha Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines. The easiest way how to travel is to buy "coupon". I did not get amount discount. According to locals the cheapest is possible to buy in China Town in Honolulu. The cheapest which I found was @ $63. These tickets are oneway, open, non refundable and non transferable. It is not neseccery to make flight reservation because in my six flights I always left in two hours after got to the airport. Aloha's coupon was possible to get almost everywhere. Hawaiian Airlines' ones was difficult to find. I met Polish guy who had bought coupon @ $59 but with fixed departure date.
when flying to another iland I always changed a plane in Honolulu. But one cupon was good for whole connection.
To some islands is possible to fly directly from continetal US and you do not need to go through O'ahu island (Honolulu).
Around islands
Most of tourist rent a car. Rental agencies are on every airport. But except O'ahu island which is the most populated, it is very easy to hitchhike. It is easier than in Europe. You can see to hitchhike even locals because except O'ahu island public transortation is not very developed. Totaly five times happened to me that driver stopped although I was not hitchhiking and I was even walking on the opposite side of road.....
On Hawaii is policy that "all beaches belongs tu people". That is way you can visit them, except Hanauma Bay for free. Some times to stay over night you need permit issued by "Department of State Parks & Forest" or owner of that beach. You can get it in information centres. Permit is for free.
That visit of islands it is not neccessary has to be expensive confirm's fact that during whole stay I did not pay for a sinlge night and except O'ahu island I did not pay for any trasportation.