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A little city Sonoma is situated in wineries in Sonoma Valley. Is msaller and older than more known Napa,but this is reason way is cheaper and not so croweded by visitors. Because of its multicultural heritage, the town retains a blend of Spanish, Mexican, and Victorian architecture.

In June 1846, a small band of white settlers invaded Sonoma, which was then under Mexican rule, as was the whole of California, and captured its founder, General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo. One of their first actions for their new nation was to design and hoist a flag. They raised a homemade flag depicting a grizzly bear and a star, and declared a republic.

Exactly next to the plaza is the northernmost and last of the Spanish mission built in 1826. At this time was Mexico already Republic. Entrance fee $1. Mission was destroyed by fire in 1906 during Earthquake.

During visit of most wineries you can test wine. Near in nortwest is Jack London State Park - here, after his return from Dowson City,Yukon, where he was during Golden Rush in 1898,he wrote his famous novels: "Call of the Wild" and "White Fang". Jack died in 1916 and now here is his grave. His widow let bulit "House of Happy Walls" which is now a museum.

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